Thursday, July 9, 2009

Broadcaster, Reporter, Rock Star?

It's great being a sports broadcaster and reporter. There are plenty of perks, even if it's much harder than people think. The competition alone is enough to scare many people away and ruin the chances of others that still try. I've found the best way to stay sane (and on top of things) is to take a break every once in a while.

No, I don't take days off, skip games, or take it easy, but I do make sure I have at least a little time each day to relax. Like any other job, I need to focus when I'm at work, and unwinding is a great way to ensure that tiredness, frustration, or a generally bad mood don't cloud my mind.

I happen to be an avid Guitar Hero player, although I'm no pro by any means. I suggest that anyone out there in the sports journalism world find themselves their "Guitar Hero" to provide a good outlet.

Now that I've conquered "Hot for Teacher" by Van Halen, it's time to prepare more for tonight's game. Catch you later, hobbyists of the sports world.

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